Mako Series MKII: M1 High-Fidelity Modulation Machine - $399.99 The M1 MKII is a stereo, all-in-one modulation pedal featuring six studio-grade programs based on fan-favorite modulation tones: Chorus, Phaser, Tremolo, Vibrato, Rotary, and Filter. A sound explorers delight, the M1 features a dedicated lo-fi knob allowing you to mix various lo-fi parameters to every program. From the swirling, lush sounds of the 80’s to more subtle applications that give your tone a distinct flair, this is a hallmark for all kinds of modulation fans, offering limitless creative potential. Shop the Mako Series MKII: M1 High-Fidelity Modulation Machine
Monumental Harmonic Stereo Tremolo, Black Friday 2024 Floral Series - $279.99 Building off the rich, warm, pulsating modulation of the Monument, the Monumental Harmonic Stereo Tremolo is an analog, optical tremolo bringing new controls, features, and width to the Walrus Audio line. New features available in the Monumental include the ability to save presets, blend between standard and harmonic tremolo modes, access to new wave shape and tap division options, and most importantly, a pan control to set the stereo spread of the tremolo to the right and left channels. Shop the Monumental Harmonic Stereo Tremolo, Black Friday 2024 Floral Series
Julianna Deluxe Chorus/Vibrato, Black Friday 2024 Floral Series - SOLD OUT Julianna is an all analog, digital LFO, stereo chorus/vibrato with new expanded features. Shop the Julianna Deluxe Chorus/Vibrato, Black Friday 2024 Floral Series
Luminary Quad Octave Generator V2 - $319.99 Luminary octave generator gives you the ability to dial in any combination of four separate octaves, three presets and an epic steel sounds with the modulation control unengaged. Shop the Luminary Quad Octave Generator V2
Descent Reverb/Octave Machine - $299.99 The Descent offers you eight controls to precisely hone in your perfect reverb. In addition, the user can use an auxiliary momentary switch in the fav input to switch the pedal on/off and/or save presets. Shop the Descent Reverb/Octave Machine
Monumental Harmonic Stereo Tremolo - $279.99 Building off the rich, warm, pulsating modulation of the Monument, the Monumental Harmonic Stereo Tremolo is an analog, optical tremolo bringing new controls, features, and width to the Walrus Audio line. New features available in the Monumental include the ability to save presets, blend between standard and harmonic tremolo modes, access to new wave shape and tap division options, and most importantly, a pan control to set the stereo spread of the tremolo to the right and left channels. Shop the Monumental Harmonic Stereo Tremolo
Julianna Deluxe Chorus/Vibrato - $279.99 *Julianna is currently backordered. New orders will begin shipping in late March* Julianna is an all analog, digital LFO, stereo chorus/vibrato with new expanded features. Shop the Julianna Deluxe Chorus/Vibrato
Kangra Filter Fuzz, Black Friday 2024 Floral Series - $219.99 The Kangra Filter Fuzz is a true bypass, two-in-one pedal that provides a thick and spatty octave fuzz, and a psychedelic filter thats great for sweeps, frequency boost or even envelope filter sounds. Shop the Kangra Filter Fuzz, Black Friday 2024 Floral Series
Polychrome Analog Flanger - $219.99 The Polychrome Flanger is a true bypass, all-analog Flanger pulling in familiar layout controls from the Julia and Lillian. Dial in a wealth of colorful flange with the D-F-V blend knob and the shape and voice switches. Shop the Polychrome Analog Flanger
Julia Analog Chorus/Vibrato V2 - $219.99 Julia analog chorus and vibrato from Julia offers a unique blend knob to blend your dry signal with chorus or blend between chorus and vibrato. Shop the Julia Analog Chorus/Vibrato V2
Kangra Filter Fuzz - SOLD OUT The Kangra Filter Fuzz is a true bypass, two-in-one pedal that provides a thick and spatty octave fuzz, and a psychedelic filter thats great for sweeps, frequency boost or even envelope filter sounds. Shop the Kangra Filter Fuzz
Lillian Multi-Stage Analog Phaser - $219.99 The Lillian is a true bypass, all analog, multi-stage Phaser drawing inspiration from her cousin Julia. With controls like Rate, Width, Feedback, and D-P-V blend, the Lillian is packed with a wide array of analog phaser goodness waiting to be dialed in. Shop the Lillian Multi-Stage Analog Phaser
Monument Harmonic Tap Tremolo V2 - $219.99 The Monument Tremolo is both a harmonic, and standard tremolo that produces a rich, luscious, warm pulsating modulation capable of peaks and valleys as smooth or as jagged as the real ones that our dear mother nature created long ago. Shop the Monument Harmonic Tap Tremolo V2
Fundamental Series Phaser - $129.99 $99.99 The Fundamental Phaser is a versatile digital emulation of a classic phaser with the tonal integrity to live on a professional's pedalboard but with simplified controls friendly enough for even the newest effect pedal users. With 3 types of Phaser algorithms to select from, you can get sounds ranging from light tonal modulation to a highly modulated and resonant phaser. Shop the Fundamental Series Phaser
Mako Series MAKO Series: M1 High-Fidelity Modulation Machine - SOLD OUT The M1 is a powerful multi-function modulation machine with six customized, studio-quality programs: Chorus, Phaser, Tremolo, Vibrato, Rotary, and Filter. Each program has a wealth of options to tune, tweak, customize and then save to one of nine onboard presets. Shop the MAKO Series: M1 High-Fidelity Modulation Machine
Fundamental Series Chorus - $129.99 $99.99 *Due to high demand, we’re temporarily out of stock. New orders will ship by mid-April. Thanks for your patience — we’re working hard to restock ASAP!* The Fundamental Chorus is a digital emulation of a classic analog chorus, recreating bucket brigade modulation, with the tonal integrity to live on a professional's pedalboard but with simplified controls friendly enough for even the newest effect pedal users. With 3 types of chorus algorithms to select from, you can get sounds ranging from gentle modulation all the way to 80's tri-chorus. Shop the Fundamental Series Chorus
Fundamental Series Tremolo - $129.99 $99.99 The Fundamental Tremolo is a classic optical tremolo, giving you that iconic chewy movement, with the tonal integrity to live on a professional's pedalboard but with simplified controls friendly enough for even the newest effect pedal users. With 3 wave shapes to select from, you can get sounds from smooth and soothing to glitchy, wild, and crazy. Shop the Fundamental Series Tremolo
Qi Etherealizer - $449.99 The Qi Etherealizer (pronounced “chee ethereal-izer”), a collaborative creation with Yvette Young, is a multi-effects pedal that combines Chorus, Delay, Granular effects, and, of course, Reverb, into a creative playground for atmospheric exploration. Shop the Qi Etherealizer