WalrusAudio.io troubleshooting guide
General Questions
What is walrusaudio.io?
Walrusaudio.io is a web application developed to support new products released by Walrus Audio. It allows users to do things like update their pedal's firmware and upload personal IR files to the ACS1. We will continue to develop and add new functionality to the app, so check back often.
Which pedals are supported?
Currently, the site is compatible with the Mako R1, M1, D1, and ACS1. We are planning to bring this capability to select future Walrus Audio products.
How To
How can I update my firmware?
To update the firmware of a compatible pedal, follow these steps.
Using Google Chrome, navigate to walrusaudio.io
Sign in, or make an account. It's free and easy. Don’t worry we’re chill.
If this is your first time using the app, be sure to allow MIDI access in the Chrome popup window.
Connect your pedal to a power supply that matches the pedal's power requirements.
Using a microUSB cable, connect the pedal to your computer and click on it when it shows up in the web app.
From there, select Firmware, choose the firmware file you would like to update to from the list and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
How can I upload my own IR files to the ACS1?
To upload your own IRs to your ACS1, follow these steps.
Using Google Chrome, navigate to walrusaudio.io
Sign in, or make an account. It's free and easy. Don’t worry we're chill.
If this is your first time using the app, be sure to allow MIDI access in the Chrome popup window.
Connect your pedal to a power supply that matches the pedal's power requirements.
Using a microUSB cable, connect the pedal to your computer and click on it when it shows up in the web app.
From there, select IR Manager, browse for the IR files you would like to add to any of the six slots and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
My pedal isn’t showing up on the app.
Make sure walrusaudio.io has permission to access MIDI via the Chrome Privacy and Security > Additional Permissions menu.
Ensure you are using a microUSB cable rated for data transfer and not just a charging cable.
Ensure you are powering the pedal with a power supply that meets the pedal’s power requirements.
Try refreshing the web app.
Try signing out and signing back in.
Return to the homepage, disconnect your pedal and reconnect it.
Windows driver install - Firmware update (No compatible devices found)
In order for Microsoft Windows to be able to properly recognize connected Walrus Audio pedals, the device drivers must be updated. The following procedure will walk you through this simple process to ensure your pedal can properly communicate with your computer for firmware updates through walrusaudio.io. You should only need to perform this procedure the first time you are wanting to update the pedal.
Note, if you got here from the warning message on walrusaudio.io, and you left the page open, you can skip steps 1-5.
Using Google Chrome, navigate to walrusaudio.io and log in.
Connect your pedal to your computer using a micro USB cable.
Power your pedal with a 9v 300ma power supply. Your pedal should now show up on the screen.
Click on the pedal and navigate to the firmware update screen.
Step through the on-screen firmware update process, once you get to this screen click Cancel in the Connection dialog.
Download "Windows_DFU_Driver.zip" from walrusaudio.io (The link is provided on Step 3 of the firmware update screen).
Ensure the "DFU_Driver" folder is unzipped and located in a convenient place on your computer. The Desktop works well, and this folder can be deleted once you finish this process.
You can minimize Chrome for now.
Open Windows Device Manager.
Once Device Manager is open, look for "Other devices". Locate "STM32 BOOTLOADER" and double-click it.
Click Update Driver.
In the window that opens, click "Browse my computer for drivers".
Navigate to the “DFU_Driver” folder you unzipped earlier, click it once, then click OK.
Click Next
Once the computer updates the driver, this screen should appear.
Click Close
Click Close
You should now see “STM32 BOOTLOADER” show up under “Universal Serial Bus devices”
Now go back to Chrome, click "Request connection", and you should see “STM32 BOOTLOADER” show up in the connection dialog.
Select “STM32 BOOTLOADER” in the connection dialog and click Connect.
The firmware update process should now continue as normal and you should not have to do this process again.